
April 05, 2010

Washington Omnium

I slept 11 hours the night we got back from Washington. It was great to see my Mum. We had a good, but too short, time together. I was able to stay with her on Saturday night. It had been since Christmas - too long.
The road race was hard on Saturday. The Bs and Cs raced together. I got dropped from the first few girls on the hill on the second lap of three. I was 6th in the C category, but am pretty sure I was the 7th or 8th person across the line. I worked with Elizabeth Stegner from Willamette. I would have been miserable without her. We stayed away from the main pack, but couldn't catch the front girls. 
I raced the Team Time Trial as an A with my two teammates Rachelle and Kat, both A riders. On the starting line I turned to Kat and in a sing-songy voice told her I didn't know what I was doing. 

"You're just ridin' your bike," she said. 

I was able to pull and do a good amount of work. They'd both raced the A road race which was twice as long as my race, so I was able to do a bit more work and help out. I felt strong.

The crit was harder than last weekend. There was a hill in the course, which means a hill every lap. There was also a 130 degree turn that was wet and super slippery and made tons of people crash. I was warming up on my trainer with a view of the turn and kept watching guys in the race ahead of me go down. I was in 4th place with two laps to go. There was a nice little gap behind me so it was unlikely anyone would have been able to catch me. I entered the turn and slid out. I still finished 6th, but maybe I could have caught a couple girls if I'd 'kept the rubber side down' as they say. I have a bruised and scraped left hip and am a bit sore, but really nothing serious. My bike seems ok. It was more frustrating than anything because it was a stupid fall. I didn't take the turn any differently than the previous dozen times through it. I have no idea why I crashed that time. Oh well, that's cycling.

My photos HERE.

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