
March 24, 2010

U of O/OSU Collegiate Omnium

Saturday, Road Race and Team Time Trial:
I'm racing in the Women's Cs category. This was my first real road race start. Neutral mile and everything. There was a crash right behind me at about mile 9. A pack of seven of us kept going. I felt pretty good, but wasn't looking up enough the first time up the hill and let an OSU girl go and we never caught her. I think if I'd stayed with her on the hill, I may have been able to race for first place versus back racing for 2nd. I was third overall. 

There is no bolus data here because I waited too long to write the post and the pump's memory doesn't go back far enough.

1:19am - 96
6:42am - 91
8:26am - 362
9:12am - 264 (starting line of RR)
11:06am - 103
4:40pm - 74 (starting line of TTT...gulp...I ate one pack of fruit snacks and that is all I had in my pocket...we were 2 miles from the parking lot and I had 11 hilly miles to ride. I'd eaten a banana with peanut butter and a piece of bread before warm up, covered it too much. The PB probably saved me...could have been really bad)
6:20pm - 103

Sunday, Crit Race:
I was second in the crit on Sunday. It was a super fun race. I had a tiny bit of that feeling in those perfect track races from youth track, like in 2000 when I raced the 800 and 1600 at the Varsity Finals. I think it's the feeling where you're fit enough to be nervous up to the end of the race. On Sunday, I did a lot of work out front, scared for my life, trying to stay out of the mess in the back. I came out of the final turn in about 5th place and finished 2nd after the sprint. (I realize 'fit enough' is relative to the racing category, and when/if I have to race the Team TT this weekend with Rachelle in the As, I will loose that good nervous feeling much much earlier.)

5:30am - 63
7:21am - 270
7:39am - 226
8:42am - 196
1:31pm - 266

This weekend's lessons: I need to take more insulin to cover breakfast. I need to have more food on me for these PM time trials and not underestimate how much more my BG drops during afternoon warm-ups than it does during morning warm-ups.
Post photos by Ty Magnum
More photos of my teammates and I HERE.

A little film from the last two weekends of travel. More of people, less of bikes...


Unknown said...

Great job, Blair! Looks like you're having a lot of fun with the cycling team. =0)

jpnairn said...

Way to go, Blair. Two races, two podium finishes.